process analysis


The project required creating the "Moving Truck Rental" Android app, which computes the cost of hiring a truck based on the size of the truck, the number of rental days, and the distance traveled. The app had two main functions: the first let users enter their preferences and compute costs; the second activity showed the total cost as well as a picture of the truck size that was chosen.

App Function


I had a pivotal part in the Moving Truck Rental software project that involved both front-end and back-end duties. Using Android Studio, I created and developed the user interface for both activities, making sure the design was simple to use and intuitive. This involved creating a 'Calculate Price' button to help with data calculations and activity transitions, strategically putting radio buttons for truck size choices, and integrating editText fields for user inputs on the number of days and miles. Furthermore, I ensured that user preferences, like truck size and miles traveled, were saved between app sessions by managing data persistence with SharedPreferences.

My contributions demonstrated my abilities in UI/UX design and data management inside the Android development environment, and they were crucial in delivering a smooth user experience and strong app functioning.

App Interface

development process

The Moving Truck Rental app required the construction of an easy-to-use user interface in Android Studio, which included 'Calculate Price', editText areas for data entry, and radio buttons for selecting trucks. In order to preserve user inputs between sessions, I also built SharedPreferences for data persistence. Intents were used by the app to make transitions between activities easier, guaranteeing a seamless user experience and data flow. The smooth running of the app was made possible by the integration of backend functionality and UI design.

user interface creation

I concentrated on creating an aesthetically pleasing and easily navigable user interface for both of the app's operations during the user interface creation process. I included radio buttons for users to choose the truck size (10', 15', or 20'), each of which had a different daily rental cost, for the primary activity. To improve user involvement, two editText fields were added to record the number of rental days and kilometers driven. Furthermore, a 'Calculate Price' button was thoughtfully positioned to speed up computation and enable the following screen to load. To ensure visual consistency and clarity in the results that are presented to the user, in the second activity, I created an imageView to display the selected vehicle and a textView to indicate the overall computed price.

sharedpreference implementation

I included SharedPreferences into the program to guarantee data durability and consistency throughout. When the 'Calculate Price' button was pushed, this feature was essential for preserving the user-selected truck size and the miles entered. Through sustained state management, the app improved user experience by preserving user preferences even while navigating between activities or restarting the application.


Android intents were used to control data transmission and activity transitions. In particular, the user's click of the 'Calculate Price' button in the main activity sent off an intent that passed the truck size selection and the overall price calculation to the second activity. This approach made the changeover easier and guaranteed that, depending on the user's choices, the right truck image and pricing were dynamically presented. This step of the process highlighted the significance of the app's smooth user flow and data integrity in addition to demonstrating technical competence in handling Android intents.



Making sure that the data was accurate and consistent between activities was a big problem, especially when handling user inputs that could differ greatly in terms of format and type.


In order to guarantee that data persistence operated without a hitch across many user sessions, another hurdle was appropriately integrating SharedPreferences.


The software successfully offered a simple and effective way for users to compute the cost of renting a vehicle. It was well accepted in user testing, especially for its responsive design and easy-to-understand layout. User preferences were successfully saved and retrieved via the SharedPreferences feature, which operated as intended. Additional enhancements could be made to error management and user input validation to increase robustness and user satisfaction.



My work effort into completing this project was significant in determining the Moving Truck Rental app's technical functioning and user experience. Through my work on UI design, data management, and activity transitions, I used my practical knowledge of Android development to help make the project a success. As a result of this experience, my knowledge of Android app development has dramatically increased, especially concerning intent-based activity transitions and shared preferences.