My personal experiences and knowledge have significantly impacted my passion for producing ideas that are aesthetically beautiful, beneficial, and accessible. This training has strengthened my conviction that creative problem-solving and empathy are hallmarks of good design. I am enthusiastic about how technology may change experiences and provide culturally and socially appropriate solutions as my career develops.

To sum up, this course has significantly influenced my design philosophy and how I interact with technology. It has given me the tools to tackle design problems from a more creative, user-centered, holistic perspective. This will impact my following projects and career pursuits, inspiring me to develop ideas that not only satisfy the needs of the present but also foresee and accommodate opportunities and problems of the future.



Impact of Design Processes on Decision-Making:

User feedback and iterative development were stressed in the course's design procedures, which greatly influenced my choices when developing the app. It was possible to guarantee that the final product not only met but beyond user expectations by beginning with a robust prototype and iteratively improving it in response to team suggestions and user feedback. This procedure came with restrictions. Due to time constraints and resource availability, we could iterate on a design to a certain extent. It also proved challenging to balance functional usability and aesthetic appeal, necessitating close attention to design principles and user interface requirements.

Differences Across Media and Platforms:

The efficiency of design procedures differed significantly between platforms and media. For example, user testing with mobile app prototypes provided immediate, valuable insights that could be quickly integrated into the design. This instantaneous feedback was more important than static presentations or reports and had a more significant impact. Compared to environments like web or desktop applications, which are more flexible and allow for greater latitude in design features and user interactions, the limitations and capabilities of mobile platforms also require more precise design judgments.

Influence of Speculative Design on Conventional Processes:

I was first exposed to a forward-thinking design process through speculative design, which strongly emphasizes predicting future needs and possible technological effects. This strategy inspired me to evaluate our app's future direction and how cutting-edge technologies like augmented reality may be included to improve user experience. This change has broadened my perspective on the role that design plays in fostering innovation, advancing problem-solving, and influencing how people will engage with technology in the future.


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    My perspective on design has changed significantly during the course of the Speculative Design III course, which culminated in the creation of the "Torontoist" app. Inspired by the thorough design procedures we used, my personal design philosophy has become clear about three key concepts: utility, user-centricity, and iterative feedback.

  • X

    The Speculative Design III course has dramatically improved my design philosophy by highlighting the significance of iterative feedback, a user-centered approach, and usefulness. My perspective has expanded due to the experience, especially in how I use speculative design concepts to foresee and create new demands. It has also improved my ability to use different platforms' unique features and limitations to my advantage. I cannot wait to use these insights and approaches as my career progresses to develop technological solutions that are not just interesting and successful but also appropriate for various social and cultural contexts. In addition to helping me become a better designer, this course has enhanced my understanding of how technology and design interact to shape user experiences and societal results.