
During my time in Speculative Design III, I obtained a thorough understanding of Java and Android app development, particularly through hands-on tasks such as building a simple calculator app. This lab was critical for illustrating the interconnection of user interface (UI) design and backend programming in Android contexts.

The assignment entailed utilizing Android Studio to create the UI with XML, resulting in a visually appealing layout with buttons for numbers and procedures, as well as a results area. We then used Java code to manage the calculator's logic, such as button clicks and arithmetic operations. This procedure necessitated careful consideration of the user experience, ensuring that the app was both functional and usable.

This lab taught me important skills including handling user input, managing activity lifecycles, and debugging Android apps. It emphasized the significance of clean, maintainable code and rigorous testing to ensure that the app works properly under a variety of circumstances, including edge cases such as division by zero. Overall, this training helped me grasp mobile technology by demonstrating how intelligent design and exact programming work together to produce useful and dependable applications.